The metallic seat for Top Entry valve (Metal To Metal ) is coated with Tungsten Carbide (TCC), Chromium Carbide (CCC), or Stellite coating, depending on the valve requirements.
MTM Top Entry Seat
The coating processes are carried out at high speed (HVOF) so as to provide high adhesion strength, hardness and minimum porosity without, however, deforming the sealing zone.
After the coating, the sealing area undergoes a grinding process to reach the thickness required by the project. The next step is the adaptation between the ball and the seats.
Metal to metal Top-entry SPE seat.
- Tungsten carbide coating
- Graphite ring
- Anti-extrusion ring
- O-ring
- O-ring or grease guard
Metal to metal Top-entry DPE seat.
- Tungsten carbide coating
- Graphite ring
- Anti-extrusion ring
- O-ring
Metal to metal Top-entry DPE seat, Lip seal.
- Tungsten carbide coating
- Graphite ring
- Lip Seal